Sunday Guest Talks

Trending Topics

Monthly on selected Sundays, we invite guest speakers to give a sharing on relevant topics that affect us as Christians today.

These talks will take place after the Lord’s day worship service. Light refreshments will be provided. During these Sundays, the adult bible studies will be paused.

The focus of our first few sessions revolves around healthcare and mental health.

All are welcome to join!

Date & TimeTopicSpeaker
8 December 2024,
11.45am to 1.30pm
Introduction to Dementia: Signs & Symptoms; Diagnosis & Prevention (Part 1) Dr Linus Chua (Read more)
12 January 2025,
11.45am to 1.30pm
Caring for a person with Dementia – How can Christians care? (Part 2) Dr Linus Chua (Read more)
9 March 2025,
11.45am to 1.30pm
Mental Health from a Christian Perspective Dr David Teo (Read more)
13 April 2025,
11.50am to 1.30pm
From Evolutionist to Creationist! Julie Neller (Creation Ministries International)

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