
Dear friends, 

Ephesians 2:19-21, “Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone; In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord.” 

Our name “Cornerstone” reflects the fact that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is the central theme of Scripture and our Church. 

We are a Reformed, Confessional Presbyterian Church in Singapore.

Come and hear the good news of Jesus Christ and worship with us this Sunday. 

Our Services

Lord’s Day Worship Service

All are welcome to join us for our Worship Service.


Every Sunday, 10 am.


One Raffles Quay, North Tower, Level 49 (The Executive Centre).

You may also join our Live Webcast of the Worship Service at 10 am:

For details on giving your Tithes & Offerings online, please click here.

The Lord’s Supper is administered on the first Sunday of every month.


Our Sunday sermons are typically uploaded within the week.

For more, visit our YouTube Channel or our SermonAudio Library.

Sunday Adult Bible Study

Join us as we study systematically the book of Genesis. Christians today are beneficiaries of the Abrahamic covenant through the new covenant in the blood of Jesus Christ. Join the faith journeys of Adam, Eve, Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph as they battle fears and temptations, and experience the love and faithfulness of God.

A study guide and workbook will be provided.


Starting 6 Oct, every Sunday 11.35 am – 12.30 pm, after the Lord’s Day Worship Service. Group studies will commence on 20 Oct.


Newcomers are invited to register via this Google form. Materials will be prepared for you and we will reach out to you. Existing church members do not need to register.

Basic Bible Class

This is a course for Church Membership in Cornerstone Church. An introduction to the basic doctrines and practices of Biblical Christianity through baptism, transfer and affirmation of faith.

Baptism and membership will be formalised in the Easter Service in April 2025.


Starting 20 Oct, every Sunday 11.45 am.


Interested individuals can register via this Google form. We will reach out to you with more details.

Church Prayer Meeting

We meet weekly for corporate prayer every Wednesday at 8.30 pm, currently held on Zoom.

Please contact Elder Dr Boaz Boon at 9824 7681 to join.

Contact Us


One Raffles Quay, North Tower, Level 49
The Executive Centre Auditorium
Singapore 048583

By Car:
Marina View Link is where the Car Park Entrance and Drop-Off Point are located.

• Raffles Place Station (Exit J) – 8 min walk
• Downtown Station (Exit F) – 4 min walk
• Shenton Way Station – 7 min walk

By Bus:
10, 57, 75, 100, 130, 131, 167, 186, 196, 970


Elder Dr Boaz Boon
+65 9824 7681
(Whatsapp Only)


Elder Dr Boaz Boon